Christ Is Returning!

A reply to “A Message to Christians…” by author: Markus Scorelius

Larry Berlin
7 min readDec 22, 2021


Return Of Jesus Christ — Jesus Second Coming Png
Return Of Jesus Christ — Jesus Second Coming Png Clipart

He writes with a bit of satire, but his skepticism is visible. Its interesting reading, but there are missing elements in his story.

He sets up some characters who discuss the Second Coming of Christ. There’s “Gabe” who is the most consistent character. Then “The People” who at first sound sort of like “Christians.” But if they represented “most people” it doesn’t quite ring true, for most do not understand the Bible and most are not Christians.

At the end “Gabe” seems to almost transform into a Christian, but he’s still ignorant of truth, though he voices a somewhat more positive message than he started with.

I’ve added the character named, “The Bible” for obvious reasons.

In some places I insert some further explanation to put things into context. I’ve used (parenthesis) to do this.

His subtitle presents the question, “Can we all move along now?” as if a puppet show has ended and the listeners can now go get their coffee and donuts. I respect anyone’s right to disregard God’s Word and to not believe in Jesus Christ and His promised return. But there’s a point to be made and its one that God has been working across all of history to make.



Larry Berlin

A world traveler, fascinated with the Universe, a follower of the Creator. Writing about Bible based mysteries, treasures, patterns, symbols, and prophecy.