What’s Up?

I want to welcome the new subscribers!

Larry Berlin
3 min readAug 14, 2024
The card Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay, the Climber Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay, Composition and Mods by the author

Dear Readers and Friends, it’s high time for an update on this blog!

Generally, I have limited time to write, and while I have been writing, much of it hasn’t been aimed at the blog. There are plans however to improve and increase the writing for the blog in the near future. Many articles have been started, but not finished, and I’ve been planning for a tighter focus overall.

I notice that there are a number of new subscribers, and they won’t get much unless I write and publish! Thanks for your encouragement and presence as subscribers. Thanks to those who’ve been subscribed for much longer!

Over time, the parameters of how Medium operates have changed, and I haven’t had time to track all those changes down and make adjustments. I have developed many new ideas for overhauling some of what has gone before, and generally making everything look better, as well as to be a pleasant place to read.

The main focus will be on Bible study especially to see and understand the prophecies of the Bible in their right context. Prophecy is a key element of the Bible and it’s overall message. In fact, it is prophecy which sets God’s Word above ALL other religious traditions, practices, and writings.

Amos 3:7 (NASB) Certainly the Lord God does nothing…



Larry Berlin
Larry Berlin

Written by Larry Berlin

A world traveler, fascinated with the Universe, a follower of the Creator. Writing about Bible based mysteries, treasures, patterns, symbols, and prophecy.

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